10 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Ginger Every Day

Ginger is popular in beverages from hot tea to cold ginger ale. Ginger spice is also widely used to flavor foods, especially Asian cuisine. But in addition to being delicious, ginger is also a superfood. It is found all over the world and has been used in many cultures for medicinal purposes as well as nutritional ones.
Let’s discuss the surprising health benefits of ginger. We’ll also reveal how you can grow ginger yourself and how to make fresh ginger tea. Here are 10 things that happen to your body when you eat ginger every day.
Ginger may help with weight loss

Many studies have been done on the use of ginger for weight loss, and some are promising while others show little effect. While it may not be a weight loss supplement in itself, ginger can help several ways. One way is that ginger aids in digestion. This can help with hunger pangs or intestinal issues. Many people trying to lose weight will take some fresh ginger in tea in the mornings and it seems to help curb appetite as well.
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Ginger may help regulate blood sugar

Blood sugar issues and diabetes are common issues in people with weight gain. Ginger has been shown to lower blood sugar to a substantial degree in people with type 2 diabetes. However, this was a small scale study and more needs to be done for research. While ginger won’t lower blood sugar all by itself, it can aid in the reduction along with other dietary changes.
Ginger may help relieve heartburn and acid reflux

Ginger also has a benefit for the upper digestive track in that it reduces acid and acid reflux. Acid reflux is common in overweight people due to pressure of fat against internal organs. Ginger also has an effect on the stomach in that the stomach empties faster. The longer it takes you to digest your meal, the more problems like dyspepsia and stomach cramps can occur. If you take a lot of antacid tablets or pills, you might want to try adding ginger to your daily routine.
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Ginger may help lower bad cholesterol

There are two types of cholesterol, the HDL (“good”) and the LDL (“bad”) kind. High cholesterol is a major player in heart disease. Ginger however has been shown to reduce the LDL levels by 20% over several months. However ginger does not do this alone; it takes a high dosage of ginger to see this effect. As in other instances, it doesn’t work by itself but it can help you get your LDL in check faster than without it.
Ginger may help your body fight infection

Another great benefit from ginger is that it can reduce harmful bacteria that causes many common illnesses. Ginger impedes the growth of such ailments as periodontitis and gingivitis, which are infections in the mouth and gum. It has also been shown to relieve another infection called RSV, which is the main cause of respiratory illness. So, if you are fighting off a bacterial illness, ginger can help speed up the recovery process.
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Ginger may help fight cancer

This one sounds too good to be true, but here’s what we know: studies have shown that ginger may have an impact on a variety of cancers, such as pancreatic and liver cancer, and also breast and ovarian cancer in women. Ginger seems to have an effect on the pre-cancerous stem cells in these studies, that prevents them from developing them into the full disease. Hopefully in the near future we can learn more about ginger’s usefulness and put it to work.
Ginger may help reduce joint pain and osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a bone degenerative disease that affects millions. The joints between the bones wear down, making movement stiff and often painful, especially in the hands and the knees. Ginger can reduce this pain in two ways, either as a topical joint cream or as a diet supplement. It has been shown to be effective in relieving pain in both cases.
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Ginger may help with brain function and Alzheimer’s

Ginger’s main property is its ability to reduce inflammation of various kinds. This is important in that Alzheimer’s and other degenerative diseases of the brain are triggered by inflammation. Ginger can ease the inflammation driving the disease and slow it down. It may also have a good effect on age-related decline in brain function, not just caused by a disease. More studies need to be done but so far the data are looking promising.
Ginger may help reduce nausea and morning sickness

The main active ingredient in ginger is called gingerol. Gingerol is what gives ginger its taste and scent. One of the most common uses of ginger for women is to reduce nausea and morning sickness during pregnancy. Ginger is safe to take for both the mother and the child, which makes it preferable to prescription drugs. It can also be effective at reducing nausea for chemotherapy patients.
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Ginger may help reduce menstrual cramps

Women around the world already know this, but ginger helps reduce menstrual cramps. In fact, Native Americans used wild ginger for this very reason! In a small study a dose of ginger was as effective as two over-the-counter pain pills. It is most effective when ginger is taken at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and for the first three days in total. Ginger tea and honey is a great way give yourself a treat while treating your symptoms. Just another one of ginger tea’s benefits!
How to grow ginger

If you would like to have fresh ginger available at all times, ginger plants are easy to grow in your home. Although ginger is best grown in tropical regions, it’s possible to grow if you live in a colder climate. Simply grow it in a pot and keep it indoors.
There are different types of ginger to grow. Just be careful to choose an edible ginger, not an ornamental variety like red ginger. While red ginger blooms a beautiful flower that will look lovely in your garden, it is not edible.
To grow ginger, follow these steps.
- Purchase ginger roots online or at your local grocery store or farmer’s market.
- Slice the “fingers” off each root, so that each root is one-to-two inches long with one bud or “eye.” The eye is where the root grows from.
- Leave each root out on a windowsill or someplace warm to dry out for one-to-two days.
- Plant each root 12 inches apart, no more than one inch deep in the ground.
- After planting, make sure to water thoroughly.
- Once you see leaves emerge (after about one week), you should water sparingly.
- Wait eight to 10 months for the ginger plants to mature. Then, you’re ready to harvest!
How to make ginger tea

Now that you’ve grown your own ginger, you’re ready to make ginger tea!
- You will need a one-inch piece of ginger per cup of tea. Rinse the ginger root thoroughly.
- Slice the ginger into thin pieces.
- Add one cup of water to the ginger in a saucepan.
- Bring the saucepan to a boil, then lower the heat to a simmer.
- Simmer for five minutes, or more if you wish. The longer you simmer, the stronger the tea will be. Do not simmer for more than 10 minutes.
- Use a sieve to strain out the pieces of ginger from the tea.
- Flavor with honey, if you wish.
- Enjoy!