Surprising Benefits of Eating More Beets


Here’s a confession: we’re always on the lookout for new ways to eat healthy. That’s mostly because we look at the recommendations of others and are almost always disappointed when some life-changing new diet trick ends up being a huge disappointment.

That’s why we were skeptical when a friend told us that beets were a real game-changer for our health. It honestly sounded like the kind of advice we would get from Dwight Schrute on The Office. Once we tried beets, though, we had to admit that this is the kind of game-changing health snack we’ve been looking for.

Don’t think you’re ready to add beets to your daily diet? Think again! Keep reading to discover the surprising health benefits of beets and how to incorporate them into your food routine.

An easy way to lower blood pressure

For many of us, an annoying part of getting older is having to monitor our blood pressure. This may require taking daily medicine to keep the pressure in the healthy range. And while it’s no replacement for such medicine, it’s always important to search for little changes we can make to lower our blood pressure the natural way.

You probably know where we’re going with this: a 2013 review of 16 clinical trials found that foods heavy with nitrates (like beets) were successful in helping study participants lower their systolic blood pressure. That means they also lowered their risk of strokes, heart attacks, and many other negative health conditions.

Just think: a few beets a day might be enough to keep some serious heart problems away!

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A natural source of antioxidants

Ok, here’s another confession, one that’s kind of unflattering: our eyes used to glaze over when someone mentioned how certain foods were rich in antioxidants. That’s because we didn’t really appreciate how important antioxidants are. However, the more antioxidants you have in your body, the healthier that body generally is. They reduce inflammation and pain, reduce your chance of getting cancer, and can even help your body and brain stay relatively young.

Beets are chock full of the antioxidants that your body needs, ones that you likely aren’t getting enough of with your current diet. By eating more beets, you can lower your own cancer risk while experiencing cardiovascular benefits and so much more. For older folks, beets are even capable of reducing the pain associated with osteoarthritis.

Talk about a wonder food!

Beets help with digestion

One unfortunate issue that often brings younger people and older people together is digestive problems. These issues typically get worse with age, but it’s not uncommon at all to find younger people dealing with this same health hiccup. But adding beets to your daily diet may be enough to make those digestive issues a thing of the past.

Why is this? Simply put, beets are a major source of fiber. Most people with digestive issues aren’t getting enough fiber, so regularly eating beets can help make them more regular each day. That means no more struggles with constipation, but don’t freak out if all the beet intake makes your poop and pee look red in color (that’s only natural).

Better digestion may also help out with weight loss, and the high fiber content can facilitate your weight loss goals in some surprising other ways. For example, foods high in fiber leave you feeling fuller for longer, so you are less likely to reach for another snack.

Beets: a healthy food that keeps you from reaching for unhealthy foods. It really is that simple!

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Beets help you work out

Speaking of weight loss, one of the best ways to achieve your fitness goals is by working out. Regular workouts are a great way to shed weight, add muscle, and release some much-needed endorphins into your body. And if you’re ready to take your workout to the next level, beets are the key to doing so.

According to a 2017 review, beets have a number of surprising workout benefits: they can make you faster while you exercise, prevent you from getting tired too quickly, and even boost your cardiorespiratory endurance. As an awesome added benefit, beets can also help with muscle soreness, making them a great snack for both before and after a workout.

The best way to eat more beets

Ok, let’s say you’re ready to eat more beets. What’s the best way to do that? Instead of eating too many too often (which can lead to gastrointestinal issues), you are better off finding creative ways to include beets in various dishes. For example, shredded beets go great on salads, and pickled beets are a surprisingly tasty option for sandwiches.

Roasting beets can bring out some surprising textures and flavors. If you’re on the go, however, you can always whip up a veggie smoothie with beets. It’s quick, it’s tasty, and all the fiber inside will keep you from feeling peckish after you drink it!

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