What Happens When You Eat Steak Every Day?

You’ve probably heard people tell you to do everything in moderation for your entire life. This is generally good advice when it comes to food…like, we all know that chocolate tastes great. But eating too much chocolate all at once is the recipe for a major health disaster!
Still, we can’t help but wonder what happens when you consume the same tasty foods on a regular basis. For example, we love a good steak, whether at our favorite restaurant or cooked right at home. We’ve always treated it as a sometimes food, but we got to asking the big question: would it really be so bad to eat this meaty treat on a constant basis?
We researched this matter one bite at a time, and the answers may surprise you. Now, grab your fork and knife and keep reading to discover what happens when you eat steak every day!
You can lose weight faster with steak (no, really!)

There are really only a handful of things that most of the world has in common. One of them, however, is the desire to lose weight with less effort. And believe it or not, eating steak on a regular basis is a great way to lose weight quicker by more efficiently burning calories.
How does this work? Basically, steak is full of protein, and your body spends more calories digesting steak than many other foods. Therefore, a diet of lean meats can help you more efficiently lose weight, and the fact that you’ll feel fuller for longer (more on this later) means you’ll be doing less spontaneous snacking.
That doesn’t mean steak automatically makes you thin, though. You’ll need to pair your protein routine with a regular exercise routine to see the best possible results.
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Steak is great for those who work out

Because of the high protein content of steak, you may be unsurprised to learn that this is the perfect food for those who work out. That’s because your body takes to changes (especially muscular changes) better when you get some kind of protein intake. That’s why so many bodybuilders eat so much chicken (another great source of protein) or simply rely on protein shakes to help maximize their gains.
Speaking of maximizing gains, it’s worth pointing out that a steak is not the most optimal way to do this. If you are in the gym on a regular basis, those aforementioned protein shakes are cheaper on the wallet and easy to make and bring with you. But if a gym lover doesn’t mind splurging, eating some steak each day will provide the protein needed to help your muscles pop!
Steak leaves you feeling fuller for a longer time

Whether or not you’re trying to lose a lot of weight or just maintain your current size, you have the same enemy: snacking. When you get hungry, it can be almost impossible to keep the munchies at bay. And yes, eating those snacks while binge-watching YouTube can feel very good in the moment, but we all hate ourselves for these bad snack habits when we step onto the scales.
However, it turns out that having steak for dinner can help you ward off the midnight munchies. As noted before, the meat is full of protein, and that protein takes longer for your body to digest. A side effect of this is that you feel full for a longer period of time, and when it takes longer for you to get hungry, you’ll eat less and ultimately consume fewer calories.
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With the right preparation, steak leaves you energized

Be honest: just how many cups or coffee or cans of soda are you consuming a day? You have too many things to do and not enough energy to do them. For most of us, the solution is to fill our bodies with more caffeine throughout the day, but that can lead to a painful crash. Fortunately, steak (when prepared the right way, at least) may be the healthier energy solution you’ve been looking for.
That’s because steak prevents sugar crashes and generally balances your blood sugar out. However, steak by itself can only provide so much additional energy to the body. For optimal results, you should consume steak along with healthy carbs and fats. Throw in some fruits and veggies and you’ll have more energy and a healthier lifestyle!
Constant steak consumption may cause digestive issues and health problems

After reading all that, you probably think we sound like one big advertisement for the beef industry for covering all the benefits of eating steak each day. However, there are some downsides that everyone should be aware of before attempting this meaty lifestyle. For example, all the protein and iron in steak can be hard to digest for some people, so unless you pair your steak diet with plenty of fiber, you may spend a fair amount of time in the bathroom.
Even more seriously, unless you eat veggies along with your meat, that steak diet of yours can lead to nutrient gaps in your body that may cause or worsen a number of health issues. And the high saturated fat content of steak could (unless you opt for lean cuts and add heart-healthy veggies and whole grains) raise your risk of high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.
Speaking of which, if you already experience high cholesterol and suffer from a heart disease, you should likely avoid a daily steak diet. At the very least, consult with your physician before making any major changes to your diet.
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