Scariest Swollen Feet Causes You Need To Watch Out For

There are many health warning signs that people take relatively seriously. For example, most of us know that sudden pressure inside the chest is a major sign you need to call the doctor.
Unfortunately, there are other potential warning signs that people dismiss, including swollen feet. There are some basic causes of swollen feet, including being pregnant, getting injured, or just spending all day on your feet.
What if you meet none of those criteria and suddenly get swollen feet? In that case, it can be a major warning sign of a deeper health problem. Keep reading to discover what these signs may mean!
Foot bursitis

Bursitis doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, and it’s more common than you might think. This condition has a negative effect on fluid sacs in your body, and these are (frustratingly enough) sacs responsible for protection fragile parts of our bodies, including bones, muscles, and tendons.
Foot bursitis can make your foot sweet aching and stiff, and it may appear red and swollen. Should all of this happen to you, schedule an appointment with your general practitioner.
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It’s easy to see why swollen feet can often be a warning sign of something more serious. After all, plenty of things can cause painful swelling of the feet, and one of them is the infection known as cellulitis.
If you’ve never had the pleasure, cellulitis causes the skin to feel painful and hot. It won’t necessarily be limited to your feet, as this infection can happen anywhere on your lower legs. Doctors still aren’t entirely sure what causes cellulitis, but if you receive this diagnosis, rest assured that your doctor can help you deal with the pain and annoyance.
Heart failure

One of the most serious things that swollen feet can be a warning sign of is heart failure. The reason for this is that heart failure can result in edema. That, of course, is just the fancy name for fluid accumulation.
If your swollen feet don’t have any other known causes, then it could be edema causing fluid retention in your legs. Should you suspect this to be the case, don’t hesitate to consult with your physician immediately.
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Achilles tendonitis

We often use “swollen feet” as a catch-all term, but the truth is that your feet may swell in several different areas. Exactly where you swell may provide a clue as to your diagnosis. For example, swelling in your ankles and heels may be a warning sign that you have Achilles tendonitis.
If you have this form of tendonitis, your feet feel very stiff and inflamed. As for the swelling, that can occur in the ankles and heels. Another warning sign that you have Achilles tendonitis is that your swelling gets worse after exercise or prolonged time on your feet.
Deep vein thrombosis

If your feet are starting to swell, one potential cause is deep vein thrombosis. This condition is when a blood clot has formed someone within your veins. This could happen anywhere, but statistically, it’s more likely to happen in your legs.
That can lead to swollen feet, and you may experience other symptoms. This includes your legs feeling heavier and the blood vessels in your legs looking clearer. If you experience one or more of these symptoms, be sure to contact your doctor ASAP!
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By now, you know that swelling in your feet can be a sign of something more serious. For example, it may be a symptom of osteoarthritis. This is the most common form of arthritis, and if left unchecked, it can limit your mobility and significantly reduce your quality of life.
The one silver lining to an arthritis diagnosis is that you may be able to easily relieve pain. For example, a daily yoga routine can help you do things for your pain that medication cannot, and all while offering you free and natural relief.

Here’s a little lesson in medical etymology. Remember when we said “edema” meant “fluid accumulation?” That’s your sign that lymphedema means lymphatic fluid accumulating in your extremities and causing swelling in arms and legs.
As with some of the other warning signs on this list, there are many things that could potentially cause such swelling. But if the swelling came out of nowhere and/or is causing you serious amounts of pain, you should head to an emergency room right now.
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Earlier, we touched on how osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. Gout is less common, but it stands out for a really bad reason: it may be the most painful arthritis of all.
Symptoms of gout include it appearing on your body suddenly and waking you up in the night. If this is a new sensation for your body and/or you are feeling major pain, then you should meet with your doctor right away.