8 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Eat Cheese Every Day

Cheese is one of the oldest produced foods in the world, next to bread. Mainly eaten in Western cultures, cheese comes in over a thousand different varieties. Cheese is a common ingredient, whether shredded or melted, in all kinds of dishes from appetizers to main courses to desserts.
But as delicious and versatile as cheese is, the sad fact is that two-thirds of adults have some level of lactose intolerance. Milk is, after all, evolutionarily designed to be digested by young mammals, whether human or otherwise.
So, cheese has quite a number of pros and cons right off the bat. Here are eight things you may experience if you choose to make cheese part of your daily diet.
Your cholesterol levels may go up

Cheese has one of the highest-cholesterol levels of any food, mainly because of the high concentration of milk fat in the product. High cholesterol can lead to serious problems like heart disease and stroke. However, this does not happen to everyone. It’s always a good thing to monitor your cholesterol levels in any case, but keep in mind that cheese may contribute to a problem if it already exists.
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Your daily nutrient levels may increase

On the plus side, cheese is packed full of nutrients. Calcium is by far the biggest and most important of cheese’s natural benefits. Cheese is also a good source of vitamins A and B12. It also contains zinc, phosphate, and other minerals necessary for good health. So, if you eat cheese every day, you may decrease your need to take vitamins in pill form.
You may gain weight

Cheese is not something you want to eat a lot of if you are watching your weight. One ounce of cheese has roughly 100 calories, and it’s very easy to just snack on cheese without thinking about it. So if you are counting calories, remember that cheese can be a “sometimes” food but not something you want to indulge in often.
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Or, you may lose weight

This may be confusing, but you can also use cheese to lose weight if you adopt a low-carb, high-fat and high-protein diet such as keto. But not all cheese is great for keto dieting.
Goat cheese and cream cheese are especially good for converting fat to energy, and goat cheese has the added benefit of being easier to digest than cheeses made from cow’s milk. Oddly enough, cottage cheese, a staple of low fat diets from the past, is not good for low-carb dieting.
Your digestive system may have problems

As mentioned earlier, adult humans are not really able to digest milk easily. For some people, milk of any kind is a bad idea. For others, overindulgence is where the problems begin. In either case, you may experience bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhea, intestinal gas, and other irritations. There are products on the market to help make milk products more digestible, but just keep in mind that if your body is telling you it’s not happy, there’s a reason behind it.
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Your bone density may improve

The older you are, the more important bone health becomes. So, eating calcium-dense foods like cheese can be a good idea. Calcium also contributes to muscle health, and as your dentist may have told you, strengthens your teeth. If you have osteoporosis or osteoarthritis, your doctor may put you on calcium to try and stop the spread of bone loss. Calcium won’t cure either disease but it’s your best defense against further deterioration.
You may develop skin problems

Guess what else the fat in cheese promotes? If you said facial acne, you were correct. A high intake of cheese on a daily basis can make you break out like it’s prom night. Dairy has the problem of interacting with your blood sugar levels, in the same way that candy and sweets stimulate your skin and bring out the pimples. So if you are concerned about skin problems, you may want to skip out on the cheese.
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Your diabetes risk may decrease

On the other hand, if we’re talking about blood sugar, cheese may give a bigger benefit. Studies have shown that eating full fat cheese, not low fat, can reduce the risk of contracting type 2 diabetes. This does not seem to affect type 1 diabetes, however. You would be more likely to be consuming full fat cheese on a low carb diet. On the other other hand, you can decrease your likelihood of getting type 2 diabetes by losing weight, so it depends on how you get there as to if cheese is better for you or not.