Palm Reading Secrets: How To Learn the Truth About Yourself


Ever been curious about a palm reader? Most of us have seen people claiming to have this fantastic ability at local festivals, but it’s easy to be skeptical about their talents. Plus, who wants to pay good money for something that might not be true?

If you feel that way, we’ve got some good news: not only is there plenty of truth to palm reading, but you don’t have to shell out any of your hard-earned cash. We’ve got all the secrets of this special technique, and we’re going to share them with you for free. Without further ado, keep reading to learn the secrets of reading your own palm!

Figuring out your head line

Look closely at your hand. Pay attention to the line that starts between your thumb and index finger and stretches to the other side of your palm. This is known as your head line, and the specific details can tell you plenty about yourself.

For example, you are supposed to be clever and have solid mental concentration if the line is clear, thin, and long. If the line seems to have a very large arc, then you are a very creative person (just how imagine how much creativity you can pack into that arc!). Don’t worry if your line is short…that just means you are likelier to be a more physical person than a more cerebral person.

It’s not all good news, though. If the line wavers, if it has a circle, or if it’s cut into more than one line, then you may have a bad memory. Furthermore, you may have trouble focusing and get quite disturbed by other people.

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Understanding your heart line

Your heart line stretches across your hand, directly under your fingers. It takes its name from the fact that this line reflects your emotions and feelings. Long lines are meant to indicate great lovers, ones who are emotionally attuned to others. Short lines, however, indicate that a person is more interested in focusing on other things than love and companionship.

Where the heart line starts matters: a start from the index finger predicts great happiness with someone, but a start from the middle finger may indicate you think you are better than your partner. Meanwhile, those with lines that start between the middle finger and ring finger are likelier to fall in love with someone very quickly.

The line having a big rise and fall means you may have short relationships with many people. Finally, very short lines, circles, or divisions on the line are a sign that someone isn’t happy with their current romantic situation.

Reading your life line

Despite its spooky name, the lifeline doesn’t refer to how long you live…instead, it reflects the quality of the life in question. This line extends around your thumb, and a big, clear arc usually means you are physically strong and healthy. Comparatively, a small arc means that you get tired quicker than others do.

Multiple lines mean you are full of life and vitality, and broken lines mean you may have had a sick childhood. The ends of the line looking frayed conversely means there may be health problems in the future. Most ominously, circles or cuts in the line mean that you may have a nasty physical injury around the corner.

Here’s some good news, though. Is your own line straight and cutting right across the palm? If so, you are most likely known for being brave and outgoing.

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Cashing in with your money line

The money line of your palm stretches from your wrist to your middle finger. It’s meant to reflect your fortunes (financial and otherwise), and if it starts from the same place as your lifeline, you are likely an ambitious and successful person. Two money lines can be quite literal, reflecting a person who has one or more side hustles.

Clear, straight money lines mean that people are stable and have a great future ahead of them. Divided money lines, though, may mean that you will face many career changes before finding what makes you happy. Finally, a short money line may mean that (for better or for worse) you are likely to stop working before retiring.

Getting together with your marriage line

The marriage line is relatively short, starting above the love line and right under your little finger. By reading the clearest line, you can get a further idea about your romantic relationships. The presence of two equally clear lines means you may need to worry about a love triangle, and if you can’t tell which line is clear, it may indicate an unhappy marriage.

Lines that veer up or are otherwise very short may indicate that a person simply isn’t destined to get married anytime soon. Should the line stretch to between your little finger and ring finger, you may be overly picky about marriage partners. If it stretches only to the ring finger, then your spouse is likely to come from money (lucky you!).

Any lines stretching beyond the third finger may indicate that marriage could somehow harm your reputation. Meanwhile, a circle on the line may indicate that you and your spouse will live apart for a period of time, and the marriage line splitting is a sign that you need to work on the relationship before it ends altogether.

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