The Biggest Mistakes You Can Make On Your Wedding Day

While every bride is different, all of them have one big thing in common: they want their wedding day to be perfect. But what if the reason that your special day isn’t so special is staring back at you from the mirror?
The truth is there are lots of major mistakes you can make when planning for a wedding. And even a single one of these mistakes can be enough to ruin the day you have spent months planning for.
Ready to get your wedding just right? Keep reading to discover the biggest mistakes to avoid on your own wedding day!
Focusing on DIY projects

Are you a Pinterest addict? If so, you probably came up with lots of awesome DIY ideas when you first started planning your wedding. But we think you should skip trying to start or finish any major projects on the actual wedding day.
Why is that? On the big day, time is the one thing you desperately need more of. You’ll inevitably find yourself handling a dozen unexpected little things, and the last thing you want is some big project hanging over you all day. Just delegate that project to someone else and focus on enjoying your day.
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Worrying over weather

It’s understandable for brides to be worried about the weather. After all, an unexpected storm or another weather event can affect everything from where you will get married to whether your hair is out of control due to the humidity.
But here’s the thing: you have people to worry about this for you, including a wedding planner and a stylist. As long as you take the time to hire people that you really trust ahead of time, you can stop worrying over the weather and trust they will make your big day absolutely perfect.
Getting a beauty treatment

When you think about all those upcoming wedding photos, it’s natural that you’ll want to get some kind of special beauty treatment, ranging from waxes to facials. Or maybe you want a de-stressing massage. Whatever you get, it’s important to get it a few days ahead of the wedding instead of the day of.
Why is that? Simply put, you don’t know how your body will react or how you will feel about the treatment. If you hate how a brow wax or facial makes you look a few days before the wedding, you’ll have time to fix it. But if you hate the results on the day of your wedding, you’re going to be stuck with that look in your official wedding photos forever.
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Skip eating

Remember when your parents and teachers told you breakfast was the most critical meal of the day? As it turns out, they might as well have been talking about preparing for your wedding!
Some brides forget to eat because they are busy doing other things. And other brides skip a meal because they are worried about fitting into their wedding dress. But grabbing breakfast and maybe lunch (if it’s an evening wedding) will give you the energy you need to make it through the day. That means you can kill it on the dance floor at the reception, and some food in your belly means you won’t be overwhelmed by some congratulatory cocktails.
Wear new shoes for the first time

Got some new shoes for your wedding day? Well, here’s our simple advice: whatever you do, make sure you break those shoes in well before the day you are getting married.
If you’ve never worn the shoes before, being on your feet all day in them may give you painful blisters that make everything from dancing to walking down the aisle unbearably painful. You can avoid this by breaking the shoes in ahead of time and, ideally, bringing some backup shoes (the more comfortable, the better) just in case.
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Become a control freak

Remember the old television show Bridezilla? That show was created to highlight a well-known stereotype: the control freak bride who makes the happiest day of her life into the most miserable day of everyone else’s lives.
You don’t want this to be you. As we said before, try to trust your wedding planner and others involved to provide you with an unforgettable day. If you’re a real control freak, you can always help create an extensive timeline for your special day ahead of time. After that, you can kick back and enjoy the day instead of micromanaging everything.
Never putting the phone down

If you’re already a cellphone junkie, your wedding day may keep you glued to your phone. After all, you may feel the need to coordinate with different people, stay on top of who is arriving when, and respond to people who can’t make it to the ceremony.
However, we recommend that you put the phone down and try to soak up all the awesome details. This is the most important day of your life, and let’s be honest: you can always scroll Instagram after the reception is over!
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Writing your vows

If you and your partner are writing your own vows, you have the chance to tell the world how you feel about your partner in your own words. It’s a chance to be cute, gooey, and romantic…but whatever you do, don’t wait until the day of your wedding to start writing vows.
That’s because waiting until the last minute to write something will dredge up all the stress you once felt trying to write long essays for your teachers the day before they were due. Plus, your feelings about your partner aren’t going to change, so why not take the time to write them up early? As with the wedding itself, a bit of early planning helps you get everything just right.