8 Behaviors That Attract Men The Most
What if you were looking in all the wrong places for ways to attract a man?
Many women focus only on aesthetic considerations when it comes to what attracts men. This includes their physical fitness, their makeup, and their fashion choices.
But while men are definitely visual creatures, the real secret to finding a good man is all about the way you act. Specifically, you can focus on a handful of key behaviors until he’s wrapped around your finger.
What should you be doing to snag a man? Check out these eight behaviors that attract men the most.

Laughing it up
Men love it when women boost their self-esteem. And one of the best ways to do this is to laugh at a man’s jokes.
The simple act of laughter reinforces that you think he is funny. All those men who say they want a woman with a good sense of humor? That’s actually just code for “someone who will laugh at my jokes.”
That doesn’t mean you should fill your relationship with a fake laugh track. But when he says something truly funny, don’t hesitate to let him know!
Exhibiting kindness
In the 1989 movie Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure, the titular duo offered simple advice for a better life: “Be excellent to each other.” As it turns out, this is good advice for attracting a man as well!
For both men and women, kindness is one of the most important qualities. Kindness is what attracts men the most because it lets them get a glimpse of your future together.
Will you be a hit with his parents? Will you get along with his friends? He’s likelier to think the answer is “yes” when he sees you being kind toward other people.
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Wearing your hair down

While we’re talking about old phrases, you’ve probably heard “letting your hair down” all your life. This usually means you are relaxing by letting your hair hang down instead of putting it into a serious, tight bun.
Interestingly, wearing your hair down may win men over. As it turns out, dudes really dig women who have medium-to-long hair and who wear that hair down. For whatever reason, this combination of long hair and casual style makes men think women are more attractive.
And if you can attract more men by putting in less work on your hair, that’s what we call a “win/win!”
Being persistently positive
The phrase “she has a great personality” has become a cultural punchline. The phrase usually implies that a person is not physically attractive but they make up for it in other ways.
Here’s a bit of irony, though. Having a great personality will actually make you look more attractive to men!
Think of it like beer goggles (minus the calories and hangover). If your personality turns a man on, it won’t take long for your body to do the same.
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Showing genuine interest

Think about the last really bad first date you had. In many cases, what makes the date bad is that they aren’t paying attention to you. They aren’t listening so much as just waiting for their turn to start yakking.
When it comes to attracting men, it turns out they feel the same way! Whether it’s casual conversation or a full-on-date, guys respond best to women who are actively showing interest in them.
You can do this conversationally by asking follow-up questions about the things he is passionate about. Or you can simply smile and make frequent eye contact.
This shouldn’t be too surprising. If you want to forge a real love connection, staring into each other’s eyes is a good place to start.
Mirroring his mannerisms
Like we said, simply showing interest is one of the best (and simplest) for attracting men. But if you need other tips for how to attract men, you can take things to the next level by mimicking their behavior.
No, really! Studies have found that men like people more when those people act like them. This is known as the “chameleon effect,” and it refers to people who start acting like others. This includes using similar body language, facial expressions, and other behaviors.
You may already be doing this to some extent. Most of us end up unconsciously mimicking the friends we are close to. But by consciously mimicking the man you want, you can use the chameleon effect to subtly win his heart.
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Hanging with friends

Speaking of the friends you are close to, would you believe that hanging with your friends can attract more men?
Women are more attractive when they are part of a group. There are multiple explanations of this that range from demonstrating your social skills to the man hearing your friends talking you up.
It may also come down to how men process information. Because guys can only process so much at once, they will walk away from a group hang only remembering certain details. And if those details include that you are fun, friendly, and well-liked, it makes you more attractive to them.
Keeping it real
Still wondering how women attract men? Our last tip is just as simple as it is frightening: you should be completely honest.
Early in a relationship, and especially on a first date, it can be tempting to tell a few lies. These might be white lies about your hobbies or big lies about your past. But these lies are actually sabotaging your chances at a good relationship.
A lie waiting to be uncovered is like a relationship time bomb waiting to go off. By sticking to the truth, you can avoid the explosion while building an honest connection.
And aside from that, men think women who are honest actually look better. Why not be the real you, especially when it gets you the right attention?