This Giant Crocodile Will Make You Scared Of the Water

When Jaws first came out, it absolutely terrified moviegoers thanks to its realistic effects. Plus, the sequel had a killer tagline to scare everybody even more: “just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.” These days, though, the sheer popularity of things like Discovery’s Shark Week shows has convinced most people that they don’t have much to fear from sharks.
That may be true, but we’ve now found a new reason to be terrified of the water…giant crocodiles. Some YouTubers decided to do a deep dive (so to speak) into Saltwater Crocodiles to answer one particularly interesting question: push comes to shove, could a human safely swim across a river teeming with killer crocs?
Just what did they discover, and how dangerous are these Saltwater crocs to the rest of us? Keep reading to find out!
Saltwater Crocodiles: what you need to know

When the Brave Wilderness YouTube team took a trip to find some crocs in the Adelaide River, they had quite the breed to worry about. The area is absolutely infested with saltwater crocodiles, some of the most dangerous creatures on Earth. Pretty much the only way to protect yourself from these creepy critters is to know a few key facts.
What should you know about saltwater crocodiles? For one thing, they’re crazy fast (10km per hour in the water and 11km per hour on land) and won’t hesitate to eat a human being. They sleep with one eye open and are perfectly camouflaged. Oh, and did we mention that if they get hold of you, they are likely to roll and shake your limbs off before you die?
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Meet the Dominator

As you can tell from the facts above, all saltwater crocodiles can be dangerous foes to pretty much anything they see. However, one of these crocs is feared more than any other, and his legend is known all over the world. We’re talking, of course, about the Dominator, the largest saltwater croc in Australia.
What makes the Dominator so scary is that he’s 20 feet long and weighs a whopping 1,000 kilograms. That immense size doesn’t slow him down one bit. The end result is that he’s like nature’s tank…a nearly unstoppable force of nature with a bite that nobody can escape.
Navigating the Adelaide River

During the Brave Wilderness video, we got to see the Adelaide River up close. At first, we thought the river would be openly teeming with crocodiles. However, in an interesting twist, the scariest thing about this body of water is the number of crocs you can’t see.
As they explain in the video, the river actually has hundreds of crocodiles in it, but you may see few (or even no) crocs when you look in the water. That’s because the visibility is so low that nobody can see more than one inch below the surface. Just think: someone could be inches from death and not know until it was far too late!
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Dangerous mud, dangerous crocs

During the Brave Wilderness video, we get to see different parts of the famous Adelaide River. Obviously, much attention is paid to the center of the river…the long stretches of water in which saltwater crocs will chase you down at 10kph. At first, we imagined that the muddy river banks would prove safer than the river depths. However, the YouTubers quickly dispelled us of that particular notion!
In short, saltwater crocodiles won’t hesitate to hunt you down in the mud. As you may remember, these killer crocs are even faster on land than on water, so the mud may just increase their speed. The end result is the same: you get bitten and most likely killed.
That brings up the other major downside of diving into the Adelaide River’s muddy banks…while the mud won’t slow the crocodiles down, it will slow you down. You’ll be going slower and they’ll be going faster, and you know exactly what that adds up to.
The odds of surviving a swim across the river

Have you ever looked down from a great height and felt the urge to jump? There’s some morbid part of our minds that can’t help but think of throwing ourselves into the wildest dangers. With that in mind, the Brave Wilderness team asked the question so many of us were thinking: “what are the odds of surviving a swim across that river?”
To sum it up in two words, “extremely low.” Survival is theoretically possible, but you would have to make it 200 meters without splashing so much that you attract crocs. This would force you to swim low and slow, and most people don’t have the endurance to keep that up. Finally, there are quite a few saltwater crocodiles for every one that you see…honestly, the river might as well be filled with landmines!
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