6 Weirdest Secrets About Your Body Revealed By Your Blood Type

What does just about everyone you meet have in common? Simple: they are trying to learn more about themselves. Sometimes, this involves therapy and meditation to unlock secrets hidden within the recesses of the mind. Other times, it involves medical screenings and physical analysis to unlock secrets hidden within your body.
And make no mistake: nothing reveals more about your body than the secrets hidden within your blood. In fact, your very blood type can help to reveal things about yourself that you never even knew.
Don’t believe it? Keep reading to discover the weirdest secrets about your body revealed by your blood type!
Potential fertility issues

Fewer things are more frustrating than fertility issues. And when these issues arise, many partners quietly wonder whether the issue is with their own bodies or with their significant others.
For women, blood type may provide a way to know for sure. According to an article in Human Reproduction, women with type O blood are much likelier to suffer from a low ovarian reserve, which means there are fewer eggs available for fertilization in the first place. If that’s not annoying enough, women with both type O and type A blood are less likely to have a successful IVF procedure.
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Increased risk of heart disease

While fertility issues are annoying, it’s not all bad for those with type O blood. For example, in addition to having the universal blood type (meaning it can be given to anyone via transfusion despite their own blood type), type Os are less likely to experience blood clots.
Of course, good news for those with type O blood can mean bad news to everyone else. Those with type A, B, and AB blood are at a higher risk of developing blood clots, and they are also at a higher risk of developing heart disease. According to BMC Medicine, those without type O blood are 15 percent likelier to get heart disease.
Issues with deep vein thrombosis

While there are many health issues that can really sneak up on you, that’s not the case with deep vein thrombosis. Not only does DVT have definite physical signs (including swelling veins and darkened skin), but this condition often causes throbbing pain in areas like the thigh and calf. Long story short? You’ll know when you get DVT.
And depending on your blood type, you may be able to get advanced warning about your likelihood of developing deep vein thrombosis. Once more, it’s those without type O blood that need to be more worried about this. According to an article from Blood Transfusion, those with A and B blood types are likelier to eventually suffer from DVT.
This doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to get DVT, of course. But if you have blood type A or B, then you should definitely keep an eye out for this annoying condition. And as always, if you are worried about your health, we recommend you consult with your physician.
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Higher risk of gastric cancer

And the hits just keep coming for those without type O blood. According to a study published in BMC Medicine, those who have type A, type B, and type AB blood are all at higher risk of developing gastric cancer than those with type O blood.
Why is this? While the study was not conclusive on this point, it seems to be because these non-type O blood types are at a higher risk of H. pylori bacteria, and this is the kind of bacteria that leads to the development of gastric ulcers. Signs of such ulcers often include abdominal pain and nausea, so take note if you experience these signs in your own body.
Likelier to get diabetes

Diabetes is a very scary health condition that can negatively impact you for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, those with type A and type B blood are likelier to develop diabetes than other people.
In a study published in the Diabetologia journal, these blood types are at a greater risk of developing diabetes, and it’s worst for those with type B blood. If you have such blood, you may have a 21 percent greater chance of developing this health condition. Fortunately, a combination of a good diet and exercise can help reduce your risk of diabetes.
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Annoying memory loss issues

Most of the scary secrets on this list affect those with multiple blood types. However, here’s something that those with AB blood need to be particularly scared of: developing problems with memory loss.
A study published in the journal Neurology found that individuals who have AB blood are a whopping 82 percent likelier to develop cognitive issues that could potentially lead to dementia later in life. If you have AB blood coursing through your own body, it’s important to be on the lookout for signs of Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders.