Body Changes You Can’t Afford to Overlook

It’s only natural for our bodies to change over time. For example, our metabolisms slow down, our hair gets thin, and maintaining a youthful complexion becomes harder than ever before.
Most of these body changes are easy to overlook or dismiss…after all, they are a natural part of getting older, and some would say only vanity makes us notice these things. However, there are a few body changes you can’t afford to overlook because your health is on the line. What kind of changes are we talking about? Keep reading to find out!
Vision changes

As we get older, it’s common to need things like reading glasses. Such minor visual deterioration is normal. However, there are other vision changes you need to treat as potential warning signs of major health issues.
For example, blurred vision, double vision, or vision loss can be signs that you have conditions ranging from glaucoma to macular degeneration. Remember the old rule of thumb: if you’re worried about your vision or anything else, consult with your doctor right away.
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Issues with peeing

Many people experience issues with urination, though it’s not the kind of thing that comes up in casual conversation. As with vision changes, some of these urinary issues are common with age, including needing to pee more often than when you were younger. If bigger issues are happening, though, you need to take them very seriously.
For example, painful peeing, changing urine color, changing urine odor, and blood in the urine can be signs that you are suffering from kidney issues or that you have a UTI. It’s even possible you are experiencing the early signs of bladder cancer. The quicker you get diagnosed, the quicker you can begin treatment as needed!
Changes to your skin

As we get older, it’s common for our skin to change. For example, you’ll see more and more wrinkles when you look in the mirror. However, there are a host of other changes that can happen to your skin, ones you don’t have an easy explanation for. These are changes worth taking seriously because they can be predictors of your overall health.
For example, monitor for any moles, including new ones or the reappearance of old ones. Also, pay close attention to any discolored areas of skin or rashes that just won’t go away. These seemingly small changes may be signs of allergies, skin cancer, or even rare autoimmune disorders.
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Random weight changes

In conversations with friends and family, it’s common to complain about gaining weight. Such conversations usually involve one or more people claiming that they don’t know how they put on weight. What those we love are usually too nice to tell us is that why we put on weight is easy to understand: we simply ate too much and exercised too little, problems made worse by an aging metabolism.
With that in mind, any sudden weight changes that you can’t explain may be signs of a major health issue. For example, if you suddenly put on weight out of nowhere, it could be a sign that you are suffering from thyroid problems or hormone imbalances. Conversely, if you suddenly lose weight without trying, it may not be a reason to celebrate…instead, this could be a sign that you have cancer, diabetes, or hyperthyroidism.
When in doubt, go to your doctor and have a frank discussion about your weight changes.
Constant fatigue

Fatigue is another common issue that can be difficult to discuss with other people. For example, if you earnestly tell someone that you feel tired all the time, they are likely to jokingly ask you “Who isn’t?” However, what most people mean is that they just aren’t getting enough sleep due to trying to balance a career, a family life, and a handful of personal hobbies.
If you’re worried about your own fatigue, try to get a good night’s rest (maybe even two good nights in a row). Should you still feel tired, it’s possible that you are suffering from thyroid problems, anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or some other sleep disorder. The good news is that once you are properly diagnosed, you can get the treatment and medicine needed to finally make your fatigue a thing of the past!
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Digestive problems

Like trouble peeing, digestive problems are very widespread but hardly ever discussed. That’s quite unfortunate because these problems may be signifiers of very scary health issues. And the quicker you can figure out what’s going on, the quicker you can take back control of your life.
For example, if you have frequent diarrhea, bloating, constipation, or stomach pain, you could be suffering from some major gastrointestinal problems. You could have irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, or even celiac disease. But you won’t have to spend the rest of your life stuck in the bathroom once you consult with your doctor and receive the diagnosis and treatment needed to get your life back on track.