The Surprising Things Men Notice First About Women

For heterosexual women, the male brain remains an enticing mystery. It’s an open secret that males and females have completely different ways of thinking. Therefore, women who are interested in finding a man face the ongoing difficulty of not knowing what guys are thinking at any given moment.
Sadly, we can’t help you read men’s minds (and let’s be real, that might get very gross, very fast). However, we can do the next best thing by telling you the secrets of what men notice first when they meet a woman. By knowing how to strike the best possible first impression, you can improve your odds of landing your ultimate dream guy.
He always notices her smile

These days, there has been a lot of feminist pushback against the idea of women smiling for men. This pushback is usually focused on the men who feel women “owe” them an expression and who even say things like “you’d be a lot prettier if you smile.” We don’t feel like you should kowtow to jerks, of course, and you shouldn’t grin unless you’re actually happy. With that being said, your smile really is one of the first things a man notices.
In fact, most men think that a smile makes a woman prettier than any makeup or clothing could ever do. Therefore, women trying to land a guy should consider smiling more often, especially when they meet a handsome fellow. Think about it: a cute grin may be your way into an amazing relationship!
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Women’s eyes captivate men

You’re probably familiar with the stereotype that men are likely to stare at your breasts rather than your face. In the memes expressing these stereotypes, women often have to remind men that “my eyes are up here!” In real life, though, the stereotypes aren’t really correct, and guys tend to stare into a woman’s eyes when they first meet.
Guys are suckers for a pretty pair of eyes. Moreover, staring into each other’s peepers is one of the best ways to see if you really have chemistry or not. So making more eye contact with the guys you meet can help you attract more potential boyfriends even as you assess whether you really have a spark or not.
Her expression is everything

Since we’re talking about stereotypes and cliches, you probably grew up hearing that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The bad news is that this is completely true. But when it comes to attracting guys, the good news is that you can create a killer first impression simply by putting on a better expression.
Again, we’re not saying you should constantly put on a happy face if you’re not really feeling it. But when you want to get your flirt on, consider checking if you’re making an annoyed, grumpy, or frustrated face. These expressions can make guys worry they have gotten on your last nerve. But a friendly, open, and inquisitive face encourages them to learn more about the real you.
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Men pay attention to how women dress

Guys admittedly have a well-deserved reputation for not knowing that much about fashion. For example, a guy might not notice the minute difference between two different red dresses in your closet. But despite not having a woman’s eye for fashion, most guys really do pay close attention to what you’re wearing when you first meet.
Specifically, they pay attention to the vibe that your clothes put off. A pantsuit indicates a serious, business-minded woman, for instance, and sweatpants and a cap indicate a girl who isn’t afraid to roll out of bed and get her latest adventure started. Your clothes tell guys who you are or, more accurately, what you want to be seen as. By changing up your fashion, you may be able to attract better guys than ever before.
Confidence is key

A rather toxic narrative that has taken root lately is that men are scared of a woman’s confidence. Now, it’s a big world out there, and we don’t doubt that some men are scared off by a woman who is confident and powerful. But let’s be real: those are weak men, and you’re better off going ahead and scaring them away.
That’s because all who remain will be men who love to see a woman who knows what she’s all about. Be confident, assertive, and brave, and you’ll attract men with the same qualities. And that can make all the difference in your future relationships.
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Your body is the last thing a man notices (no, really!)

Last and least, men notice your body. Guys are visual creatures, and it’s true that certain physical features may be more attractive to them than others. However, we want to draw your attention to the fact that your body is actually the last thing most guys notice when they meet you.
If you are confident, dress well, smile, and look guys in the eye while wearing a friendly expression, you will immediately be more attractive to him. Focusing on these things can help you attract more (and better) men. So time to get out there and find Mr. Right!
Or Mr. Right Now. Hey, we’re not judging!