The Weirdest Animals In the World

There are many different reasons to be an animal lover…for example, some people want to help all creatures live in harmony with humanity, and others just want to have the cutest possible pets. For some of us, though, the real joy is discovering just how weird the creatures created by Mother Nature can get.
Do you share our fixation on the strange and unusual? Or maybe you just want to see some crazy-looking animals on your lunch break? Either way, we’ve got you covered. Without any further ado, let’s dive into the definitive list of the weirdest animals in the entire world!
The pangolin

Unless you’re already a wildlife expert, the pangolin is the kind of creature that will likely confuse you at first glance. Many people glancing at this funky animal immediately ask the same question at first glance: “what the heck am I looking at?” Such confusion is natural because this animal looks like what would happen if an anteater and an armadillo were to have a baby.
However, the pangolin is very much its own creature. This is an insect-eating mammal that is covered in protective scales, and it can protect itself even further by transforming into a little ball when threatened. While looking so much like an armadillo, one of the most fascinating things about pangolins is that, biologically speaking, they are much more like your average cat or dog!
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The Galapagos land iguana

Do you have plenty of extra money and free time? First of all, we’d love to have your life! Second of all, those with enough disposable income should know that it’s easy to take a vacation where you can see one exotic animal after another. All you have to do is head to the Galapagos islands, home to some of the world’s most exotic creatures. And while you’re there, you might just see the weirdest of them all: the Galapagos land iguana.
Aside from its inscrutable face (seriously, this guy looks a little old man with a lifetime full of cool secrets), the most striking thing about this iguana is its bright yellow color, instantly setting it apart from the countless green iguanas around the world. The other wild detail about these lizards is that often have finches riding on them. These birds eat the ticks off the lizards’ scales, making these very different creatures partners in the struggle to survive.
The pink fairy armadillo

Pop quiz, hotshot: what color is the average armadillo? Even if you’ve never seen one in real life, you probably know that armadillos are typically gray in color. Because of that, you can understand why so many think the pink fairy armadillo is so weird-looking. It’s because he’s…well…so pink!
These creatures are very secretive, and many who live in their native region of Mendoza Province of Argentina will never see one. And even if one of them is out in the open, it’s easy to overlook. After all, these guys are only four to six inches long, making them a true picket critter.
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The naked mole rat

Normally, we don’t like passing aesthetic judgments on animals. All of God’s creatures are beautiful, right? However, it’s hard to look at the naked mole rat without coming to a certain conclusion. In short, these guys are ugly.
Strictly speaking, these mole rats aren’t truly naked…they are just covered in tiny hairs that they use to feel the surroundings around them. They like to dig around and eat tubers and, in a pinch, can eat their own feces for nourishment (yuck!). Oh, and in case you’re an old-school Kim Possible fan, you should know the cartoon lied to you…these guys do not, in fact, make for great pets.
The sea pig

Quite frankly, many things are confusing about the sea pig, starting with its appearance. These creatures mostly hang out on the ocean floor, which means their bodies have adapted to a very different environment than that of the average mammal or even the average fish. Because of that, they look downright strange to most people at first glance.
The name of the sea pig is also confusing. It’s obviously not a pig or other kind of mammal, and it mostly has this name for playing in the dirt of the ocean floor like a pig would play in the mud. These little guys (ranging from 1.5 to 6 inches) do have one thing in common with the average pig, though: they’ll eat just about anything.
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The Japanese spider-crab

The Japanese spider-crab is pretty intimidating…the kind of thing that might just become your new sleep paralysis demon if you’re not careful. Of course, that demon might not easily fit in your room: the legs alone on this creepy critter are a whopping 13 feet long!
Being large and intimidating sadly doesn’t prevent this creature from getting hunted by fishers. In certain seasons, it is served as a very special dish in Japan, one that is favored by those with a distinguished culinary palate.