What You Wash First In the Shower Tells Everything About You

Every day, countless people take complex personality tests for a simple reason. They are hoping to glean some insight into that complex cosmic question: “who am I?” While we hope these people find the answers they are looking for from such personality tests, there are days we are worried those things aren’t any more effective than a horoscope.
That’s why we were happy to recently discover a much easier, much more intimate way of discovering who we are. As it turns out, the first body part that you wash in the shower actually tells us plenty about you. And learning what your washing habits say about you can help make a hot shower even more rewarding.
How does the shower help tell us everything about you, and what is the secret meaning behind the first part you wash? Keep reading to find out!
Face washers are a bit vain

This may not come as much of a shock: those who wash their face first tend to be a bit vain. Obviously, everyone has to clean their mug while they’re in the shower. But if that’s the first area you focus on, it generally means you want other people to focus on that area.
Correspondingly, those who start with a face wash can be a bit too anxious about what other people think. That’s just an extension of worrying about how you look, whether it comes to your beautiful face or your many hot takes on various subjects.
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Chest washers are crazy confident

The chest is often associated with confidence, like when we claim that someone said something “with their whole chest.” We also metaphorically describe acts of confidence as “chest-thumping.” Because of this, it’s not that shocking that those who wash their chest first are very confident in themselves.
Fortunately for them, this means confidence in their thoughts and opinions as much as confidence in their appearance. Chances are that if you wash your chest first, you never hesitate to tell people what you’re thinking!
Hair washers have control issues

Are you someone who washes your hair first? If so, we have good news and bad news. The good news is that you are very disciplined and orderly. The bad news is that you probably have more than a few control issues.
That’s not always a bad thing, though. You may be a bit too demanding of others, but people generally know you as a punctual and intelligent person they can rely on. As reputations go, that’s not so bad, is it?
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Armpit washers go all-in on life

If you wash your armpit first in the shower after a long, hot day, then you’re probably just being practical. If that’s always your go-to first spot, though, then we have some surprisingly good news: you generally go all-in on life. People admire you for being both reliable and compassionate, and that translates to you naturally developing friends.
You’re both the life of the party someone who goes “all-in” on either loving or hating something. That may sound extreme, but such passion is always going to win more people over than it drives away.
Arm and leg washers are in a similar boat

For those who wash their arms and legs first, we have more good news and bad news. The bad news is that you don’t have the “everyone loves me” vibe as armpit washers, instead being known for being humble and hardworking. The good news is that you share something interesting with the armpit crowd: the tendency to either love or hate something wholeheartedly.
Again, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. People know you for having extreme discipline and willpower, so even when your opinions seem extreme, they are well-founded.
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Shoulder and neck washers are overachievers

Not too many people wash their shoulders and necks first when they hop in the shower. For those who do, though, there’s some good news: you’re most likely an overachiever who will stop at nothing to achieve your wildest dreams.
This overachieving nature can sometimes put others’ noses out of joint because you are so competitive. For the most part, though, the result of being an overachiever is that you just keep winning, so keep it up!
Private part washers are introverted

We don’t talk about it in polite society, but everybody has to wash their private parts while in the shower. But are you someone who washes that area first? In that case, you are most likely very introverted.
Being an introvert can be a good thing. You might be slower to warm up to people and less likely to go out for social gatherings. But everyone who knows you knows that you have a reputation for authenticity, and that goes a long, long way in this fake world.