Drone Footage You Must See To Believe

Before AI came along, drones were the next big thing in technology. Not because of their military usage or their impeccable engineering, though. No, what drew everyone’s attention to drones was that they could be equipped with high-tech cameras. Those cameras, combined with the drones’ ability to reach places normally impossible for humans to access, have forever transformed the world of photography.
Fortunately, you don’t have to be a photographer to appreciate the beauty that drones are capable of providing. That’s because we’ve already brought you some of the best this tech has to offer! Below, you’ll find a video full of killer drone shots and a breakdown of some of our favorite captured images.
Just be warned, though…after reading all of this, you may be tempted to purchase a drone of your very own and take your photography skills to the next level!
Mermaids are real?!

Mermaids are one of those mythological creatures dreamed up by writers millennia ago. Now, the myth is still going strong thanks to productions like Disney’s popular cartoon The Little Mermaid. Still, everyone knows there’s no such thing as a real mermaid…right?
Maybe not! This drone footage captured an image of what appeared to be a mermaid swimming in a lake in the middle of a forest. In all likelihood, it’s just someone swimming in a special suit, and they may even be trying to fool people who are flying a drone camera. However, the part of us who loved hearing about these myths back in school wants to believe this is the real thing!
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Walking into another world

When you hear someone talk about how beautiful nature can be, it’s easy to tune them out. After all, you might think, what’s so beautiful about nature? If you’re asking that question, though, you need to check out this drone footage of colorful mountains that were formed through nothing more than the combination of tectonic activity and the rich minerals of Mother Nature.
The result is colorful, impressionistic mountains that look like they came straight out of a film. This is the kind of vibrant landscape that a sci-fi movie might use to indicate a character is walking on an alien planet. In this case, though, the most remarkable thing is that this footage was captured right here on planet Earth. A reminder, if you need it, that truth will always be stranger–and more beautiful!–than fiction.
Learning to call an airplane home

Most people could never imagine living in an airplane. In addition to the cramped living quarters, there’s the fact that it’s hard to imagine living so high up in the air. But here’s a wild question: what if you could live in an airplane without ever leaving the ground?
Drone footage has revealed the existence of a Boeing airplane that landed in the forest long ago. Neither the company nor anyone else has made a real effort to retrieve it, leaving a high-tech plane inexplicably parked in the middle of the trees. Of course, humans are nothing if not inventive, and some enterprising locals have taken to living in it.
Talk about having a one-of-a-kind home!
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Welcome to the 21st century

Sometimes, the use of drones gets a little morally murky. For example, this image shows what happened when someone used a drone to record video footage of a tribe in the Amazon that has never made contact with the outside world. In other words, seeing this drone was the first time they had encountered technology at all, and the tribe seemed just as surprised as you might imagine to see a mechanical device flitting through the air like a god!
In fictional worlds such as Star Trek, exposing the tribe to such technology would be considered a crime…a way of altering their natural development rather than letting them grow and evolve on their own. Here in the real world, this is simply another reminder that nobody can successfully hide from technology forever!
Statues way up high

Drones occasionally discover wild sights that leave us with more questions than answers. These statues are a great example of that phenomenon. At first glance, you may pay close attention to the complex sculpture work…after all, each of these statues has a unique expression right out of a comic strip. Soon, though, you’ll notice the other major detail: these statues are situated high up in the mountains!
After you see just how high up those sculptures are, you’ll probably spend all day (if not all week) trying to figure out how the artists brought this vision to life. More interesting is the fact that it would normally be very difficult for anyone at all to discover and appreciate the sculptor’s hard work. Thanks to drones, though, amazing sights like this are always just a click away!
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